Betrayed Vanguards

Wyrmrest Accord

Betrayed Vanguards is dedicated to building a guild comprised of generous and compassionate members striving to develop a cohesive, inclusive, and supportive atmosphere.

Mission and Values imageMission and Values image
Betrayed Vanguards is dedicated to building a guild comprised of generous and compassionate members striving to develop a cohesive, inclusive, and supportive atmosphere. The guild is committed to providing multiple opportunities for members to participate in raiding through tiered raid events. Betrayed Vanguards is devoted to achieving Ahead of the Curve achievements for both normal and heroic difficulties through a progression based raid team. Additionally, the guild will develop separate events designed to assist members with gaining experience, mechanics, and techniques for successful raiding.

Betrayed Vanguards will foster a supportive atmosphere for all members. Members are expected to treat each other with respect and compassion, honor commitments, and be respectful of other members’ time.  


Guild Master


Co-Guild Master












Tank (RL): Blood Death Knight


Healer: Discipline Priest


Healer: Mistweaver Monk


DPS (RL): Elemental Shaman


DPS: Retribution Paladin


DPS: Destruction Warlock


DPS: Havoc Demon Hunter


DPS: Fire Mage


DPS: Beast Mastery Hunter




DPS/Healer Hybrid




Interested in joining our Progression Raid Team? Contact an officer or Raid leader! Our Progression Raid Team is currently looking to recruit for the following roles:


Tank: Brewmaster Monk


Tank/DPS Hybrid: Protection Warrior


Healer: Restoration Shaman


DPS: Rogue


Healer: Holy Paladin

Raid Guidelines image
Raiding Tiers
Progression Raid Team
The raid progression team will be selected by the guild Raid Leaders. Selection will be based on factors such as group composition needs, player skill level, player availability, and character preparedness. Subject to availability, this will be a set group. This decision was not made lightly and was not intended to foster elitist tendencies. However, in accordance with the guild value of respecting the time and commitments of members, static raid team composition allow for weekly progress while reducing the need to relearn fights or change strategies due to changing group compositions. More information regarding opportunities to join the Progression Raid Team follows in the Guild Raid Event section.

The Progression Raid Team will be built with two tanks, three healers, and seven DPS (2/3/7). One DPS role will be filled with a hybrid DPS/healer in order to provide a 2/4/6 composition without changing personnel.

Raid events are expected to begin promptly at the scheduled time. Forming the raid, acquiring necessary materials, traveling to the raid zone, and ensuring systems are updated should be completed prior to the scheduled start time. The raid start time is when the first pull is scheduled; all preparations should be completed before hand.

Raid invitations will be scheduled through the in-game calendar system. Members should accept the invitation to confirm there are no conflicts for the evening’s raid time. Raid leaders will update accepted invitations as CONFIRMED once the event is finalized.

In order to progress through both current and future content, raid team members are expected to:
  • Arrive to the event on time and be prepared 
  • Participate for the entire event
  • Enchant and gem equipment
  • Maintain high level food buffs, flask, and potions (including pre-pots*)
  • Review encounter logs in order look for areas to improve
  • Run Deadly Boss Mods add-on.
If team members are going to be late or need to leave early, the member is responsible for alerting a Raid Leader or guild officer prior to the event.  Depending on the circumstances, Raid Leaders may replace those members for the evening’s event. This is not punitive; it is in place to ensure that, in accordance of the guild values, other team member’s time is respected. Failing to properly alert Raid Leaders of conflicts may lead to removal from the Progression Raid Team.

Food, flasks, gems, and enchants are available to Progression Raid Team members from the guild bank. If you require materials from the guild vault, contact an officer or raid leader.

Guild members wishing to be considered for future Progression Raid Team positions may elect to be listed as an alternate or stand-by raider. Please contact an officer or Raid Leader if you are interested in being an alternate or stand-by raider.

Progression Raid Team membership is not dependent on damage, mitigation, or healing throughput. Membership will be based on mechanic execution, raid preparedness, and general demeanor during events. Guild leadership is committed to the philosophy that well prepared players that execute the mechanics and enjoy the process of progressing through raids will provide the necessary damage, healing, or mitigation to succeed.

Guild Raid Event
The Guild Raid event is an open guild raid. The raid is designed to provide all members the opportunity to experience current raiding content and is open to all guild members. This is not an alt raid. The raid will be comprised of both characters from the Progression Raid Team and other guild members with the intent of provided all members an opportunity to learn fight mechanics.

Although the Guild Raid Event is more casual than the Progression Raid events, event participants are expected to be respectful of the time of other members. In order to do so, Guild Raid Event participants are expected to:

  • Arrive to the event on time and prepared    
  • Participate for the entire event    
  • Enchant and gem equipment    
  • Maintain high level food buffs, flask, and potions (including pre-pots*)    
  • Review encounter logs in order look for areas to improve    
  • Run Deadly Boss Mods add-on

Raid events are expected to begin promptly at the scheduled time. Forming the raid, acquiring necessary materials, traveling to the raid zone, and ensuring systems are updated should be completed prior to the scheduled start time. The raid start time is when the first pull is scheduled; all preparations should be completed before hand.

If you are interested in joining the Progression Raid Team, Guild Raid Events are an excellent opportunity to gain experience and provide a resume for Raid Leaders. If interested, please inform an officer or Raid Leader. Guild members wishing to be considered for future Progression Raid Team positions may elect to be listed as an alternate or stand-by raider. Please contact an officer or Raid Leader if you are interested in being an alternate or stand-by raider.

Raid performance is not dependent on damage, mitigation, or healing throughput. Performance will be reviewed based on mechanic execution, raid preparedness, and general demeanor during events. Guild leadership is committed to the philosophy that well prepared players that execute the mechanics and enjoy the process of progressing through raids will provide the necessary damage, healing, or mitigation to succeed.

  •  2/13/2019 06:30 PM

This will be the first attempt at the new raid with the progression raid team. Come prepared for the raid and be ready to pull at 6:30 pm server time.

  •  2/12/2019 06:30 PM

Night two for the Progression Raid team.

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